50 Quotes about the Character of a Person.

50 Quotes about the Character of a Person.

50 Quotes about the Character of a Person.

Being shy is not a sin; instead, it is a sign of silence.
Those who are shy are not dumb; instead, they are from a high intellectual plane.
Those who respect the oppressed person are, by nature, good.
The value you give to another person makes you gain that person's respect.   
The values you showcase when you talk to someone show your character. 
Arrogance destroys the person who has arrogance and who follows arrogance.
You will attain a great name only when you have great values.
Greatness does not mean being a dictator. It is in being righteous.  
The character you attain by arrogance makes you rich or poor but will never make you a human being.
One can call someone an intellectual only when they have solved the people's problems.
The righteousness speaks for itself; you need not claim that you are righteous to others.
The oppressed person can become prosperous only when one attains a character of a higher plane. 
A person's vision is far superior if it is helpful to human beings, or if not, it is a mere waste. 
Claiming to be great about oneself does not make you great, but your claims will all vanish when the reality is known to people.
Self-dependence does not mean not relying on others; it means living your life without depending on others.
Self-reliance means being inward-looking and living by helping yourself rise above.

Self-confidence means not being affected by others even when much opposition is against you. 

Self-discipline means making yourself a person who makes oneself self-disciplined inwardly and outwardly.  
You need to discipline yourself to learn anything, but you must also learn the art of discipline to become a great human being.
Being assertive does not mean having a muscled body but a strong mind.  
Alpha males are not muscular people; instead, they are people who have a brain to think.
There is nothing called a beta male because no one can decide whether a person is an alpha male or not just by looking at them. After all, it can be faked. 
The namesake alpha males are not true to themselves because they have built the body but not the brain.  
The namesake alphas are those who, when in a group, show themselves to be alphas, but when they are alone, their authentic self comes out.
There is a norm that exists that someone is an alpha male and another is a beta male, but in reality, it is a myth. 
The mind that does not think can neither be a human nor an animal.
The petty mind works all day to destroy others, but a sensible mind works all day to improve oneself.
Goodness does not mean falling into the category of being a duffer; instead, it means who is good by nature. 
It is not the age that matters for marriage, but the heart that matters.
Marriage must not be driven by money but by a family's value system. 
Marriage is not a business; instead, it is a way of life.
Love does not mean enjoying life before marriage. It means understanding one another and getting married.
A relationship should not start before marriage because you lose your value system.
Love is not spending time and getting gifts; instead, it is about understanding the person.
Love is not foreplay; instead, it is respecting one another. 
Love is not about being frank and honest. It is about feelings from the heart.
Love is a feeling. Keep it that way instead of using it for one's advantage.
Love is not a word. It is a feeling. Respect it.
Liking someone means a form of love. Please don't use it to take advantage of the other person.
Love is not about going to a coffee shop and wasting time in chitchat; instead, it is about valuing one another's self. 
Going out and telling oneself that I am happy does not mean happiness. Believing that you are contented is happiness.
Life is more precious than moving around and travelling in the name of loving oneself. Instead, love yourself in a way no one else can make you sad.
Love does not mean going with your partner to different places but living with your partner and making love.
Love does not mean living with others to know the other person; it has more to do with feelings.
Believing in God does not mean going to the temple on a given day; instead, it means having faith and being pure.
Being free of sin means being sensible in any given situation.
Masculinity does not mean a muscular body but a sensible mind and heart.
Being cautious is not wrong when there is no trust. 
Being righteous is a virtue. If you can have it, then you are blessed. 
Righteousness is a characteristic that makes you an influential person.

Prakash Bojja

Made of personality with all the positives which makes me a dynamic personality with charm.

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