Authenticity & Integrity
1. "Talking as if being good makes you look genuine for a minute, but you have cheated yourself when the truth comes out."
2. "Being nice does not mean goodness. It means cheating if you use it with the wrong intentions."
3. "Acting for one's benefit is a sin, but doing good instead of acting is a boon."
4. "When questioned, if you become nervous, that means you are cheating the person, which means you are cheating yourself."
Kindness & Good Deeds
1. "Every act of kindness, every good deed, is a seed of happiness that blossoms into a lifetime of joy. Conversely, neglecting to help others can lead to a lifetime of regret."
2. "God's blessings come to those who don't claim big about themselves but do good to good people."
3. "Those who don't cheat others will have happy lives, and those who cheat will live unhappy lives."
4. "Those who survive by doing good deeds live good lives, and those who don't live miserable lives."
Actions & Consequences
1. "For a moment, if you are happy, you are blessed; if you make others' lives hell, you are cursed."
2. "A servant who does not respect his master will suffer a miserable life due to his own misdeeds."
Values & Ethics in Relationships
1. "To attain a woman, you must have ethics and morals that make you a human."
2. "A woman with values and ethics is the one whom one must marry."
3. "A woman with a compassionate heart can do good for a family."
4. "A woman laughing at others' misfortune is cursed by herself, but God blesses a woman who takes care of the family."
5. "An ethical woman does not make a mess of others' lives."
6. "An ethical woman who does good deeds that help the entire family is called a woman with worthy character."
7. "An ethical woman does not make a mess of others' families to laugh at them."
8. "A woman who lives a sober life will be valued for her good deeds."
9. "A woman who commands respect without doing any good to others will have a miserable life."
10. "A woman who acts for respect will attain curses rather than blessings from God because of her deeds."
Respect & Moral Character
1. "A woman who lives without hurting others knowingly is a woman of values and ethics. Whoever disrespects such a woman will suffer endlessly."
2. "A woman who giggles at others will live a miserable life due to the disrespect."
3. "A sinful woman will never reach God because of her deeds."
4. "A woman who does good deeds every minute will reach God, and the rest will live a mere life for their deeds."sinful woman